Jump In (Eng Trans)


Megumin (Rie Takahashi) & Yunyun (Aki Toyosaki) – Jump In (English Translation Lyrics)[KONOSUBA – An Explosion on This Wonderful World Ending Song]

Year: 2023


“Should I chant and explode you all up?”​ ​
​​I had longed to do that,​ ​​
​​​ ​yet my realistic heart is right here,​ ​​
​​​ ​with ups and downs anytime​ ​​
​​​ ​We are likewise in terms of crazy personality​ ​​
​​​ ​So let’s admit we are covered in wounds​ ​​
​​​ ​and scream time after time​ ​​
​​​ ​
​​​ ​Yet​ ​​
​​​ ​once again my edgy self…​ ​​
​​​ ​Yet​ ​
​​​ ​it actually is an exciting story​ ​​
​​​ ​
​​​ ​Subsequent to mustering courage and mustering courage,​ ​​
​​​ ​there are wonderful days I have not yet seen​ ​​
​​​ ​Subsequent to mustering courage and mustering courage​ ​​
​​​ ​is a world where nothing but smiling faces remain​ ​​
​​​ ​
​​​ ​Mustering courage, mustering courage​ ​​
​​​ ​Oh, mustering courage, mustering courage​ ​​
​​​ ​Subsequent to mustering courage and mustering courage​ ​​
​​​ ​Oh, mustering courage, mustering courage​ ​​
​Ha~Ha~​ ​​
​​​ ​A tear or two flooding out​ ​​
​​​ ​Even though I know​ ​​
​​​ ​that’s not a big deal, for some reason,​ ​​
​​​ ​the more I think of it, the more frustrated I get​ ​​
​​​ ​Let’s just think that​ ​​
​​​ ​​ ​it’s fine now since it’s already flooded out​ ​​
​Isn’t being a wild adventurer fine?​ ​​
​​​ ​We slip through iron walls, go through thickets​ ​​
​​​ ​Because just empty theories are not enough,​ ​​
​​​ ​let’s burn up with a brave attitude​ ​​
​​​ ​
​​​ ​Oh, subsequent to mustering courage and mustering courage​ ​​
​​​ ​are us who bodily battled to the end​ ​​
​​​ ​Subsequent to mustering courage and mustering courage​ ​​
​​​ ​are companions without boundaries​ ​​
​​​ ​
​​​ ​Subsequent to mustering courage and mustering courage,​ ​​
​​​ ​there are wonderful days I have not yet seen​ ​​
​​​ ​Subsequent to mustering courage and mustering courage​ ​​
​​​ ​is a world where nothing but smiling faces remain​ ​​
​​​ ​Mustering courage, mustering courage

Credits to: Kirasa IV