Rainy Day (Eng Trans)


Dreamcatcher – Rainy Day (English Translation Lyrics)

Year: 2022


I wish, once this rain passes I’ll be able to erase you too
When I hear raindrops, I remember you the more, my love

In this street we walked together
The winds bring back forgotten memories
But the times we remember leave us behind

I ran to get out of the rain
But my shoulders, already wet, grow cold
Even without an umbrella, I’m fine now

In this street we walked together
The winds bring back memories of good times
But they bring back times I want to forget too

I ran to get out of the rain
But my knees, after a fall, grow more painful
Even without an umbrella, I’m fine now


I wish, when this rain stops, for my tears to stop too
When I hear raindrops, I miss you so much, my love
When much time passes, I could forget it all
Even when this rain stops, I’ll be here

Credits to: 7-Dreamer HojuneTL